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From a , the is for the to be of the . , this goal can only be when to a level, the moral and of clubs are to水平比较高,社会环境进一步净化,法制环境更加完善。

from the and the of clubs, from the and them may lead to more chaos. The in the to be of the , but in事实上,这些事件都是俱乐部职业素养低下造成的。因为中国足协的规则和条例并没有要求俱乐部打假球、赌球、贿赂裁判。然而,假球、裁判欺诈和赌博是中国足协面临的最大问题。这种现象曾经十分猖獗,因为正是这些俱乐部一直在损害职业联赛。

也就是说,在足协的严格监管下,一些俱乐部、球员和裁判仍然铤而走险,这说明假赌的根源在俱乐部。当年,以徐明为首的G7呼吁改革,要求 of a to break away from the . At that time, their was to hope that the would be more , the order would be , the would be , and the would be更广泛。

Once out of the of the , teams in the a group, they are to the fate of some teams, and even fake and are more . What is more is that 如果没有中国足协的真正监督,职业联赛中可能会形成更多实力更强的派系,让职业联赛成为某些利益集团的玩物。


This is not , but is by the and the of the clubs. When is , or the , think about who those bad fake and black ?


While the power of the , the also power and to the , that is, they want to enter the power of the . For , the 要求有一定数量的代表成为中国足协的理事,并在中国足协代表大会上拥有至少35%的投票权。

In , the also to enter the and have at least 15% of the in the .

, the idea of ​​the is to make the a real "" them, and let " " of the . When these rules, the based its on Spain, , and , but did not draw on the most about and most " and model".

It can be seen that the of the are doing to the than for the real of the .

It must be out that the Plan for the and of the the and the : the the in terms of basic and , club , 和仲裁,决定重大问题。


The of the the set out in the " " and only to a "free " by away from the of the , their own cards .


At the in , after a vote by all clubs, IMG the for the . It is that a world- like rs was not .

This me of the scene on 25, 2015 when 16 Super clubs and of the voted for the Super . At that time, four units, China , Ti Ao Power, Five Star , and TV, had given their bids to the clubs, which were 4 , 8 , 4.3 , and 1.75 , . As long as there is water in the brain, or even as long as the brain它不是冻结的,它将投票支持Ti AO Power,6个中国超级联赛俱乐部投票赞成五星级体育。

There are 5 yuan of who do not vote for 5 years, but they vote for five -star with 5.3 years. What are the ?


As a , for the of the , why do many cases of the drawn in the in many cases of the ? of the of Spain, , and ?

to the of the , it will soon go to the of Civil for . It is that some have that the be and have its in . In fact, if you check总部位于上海,您将知道目的。





In , the of the FA Cup is to and so that can enjoy the joy of . , the FA Cup is also the FA Cup or the Big FA Cup. When this , it is显然职业联赛的设计者们又一次忽视了英国足总杯,这是世界上最成熟、最有影响力的足总杯中国足球联赛王朝,每年都有大约1000支球队参赛,是名副其实的国家足总杯。


At the same time, the of the also that the set up the " Cup".


I that the of the like to use the word "". When they that clubs be out of the FA Cup, they used the word " ". , since is , why the Super be the "boss" of the ? Why is it that an can be held as long as 1/2 of the of the Super it? Why is it that an 如果中国联赛第一和中国联赛的成员中有1/2成员提出了建议,就不能举行会议吗?

It is that the of the that the Super is the most , so they have the .

I that you hire a audit house to the funds of each , and then take out a . Who is the of the .

the Super makes money, it has the most say in the , which is to the One and Two. Such a the of .

A truly fair and just would be to from more than 1/2 of the Super , and more than 1/3 or 1/2 of the to hold an or of the 。

at the of the , there is no big in the long run. , the a game with the , and it the back of . At this stage, it is far from the time for the to a free . Only when the and the check and each other can they not from the track of and .

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